
Your instructor will email you the syllabus (course outline) and other class information one week prior to the semester starting. Please review this information because in some cases, they will have details about the textbooks, and in some cases, links for discounted textbook offers.

The SBCC Bookstore will post the list of required textbooks three weeks before the semester begins: https://www.bkstr.com/sbccstore/shop/textbooks-and-course-materials

We recommend that before purchasing through the SBCC Bookstore, you should shop around online to compare prices (at retailers such as Amazon). (NOTE: If you are receiving any kind of book grant through SBCC, you will need to order your books through the Bookstore.)

Students who have access to any of the required texts are welcome to use them as long as they are the same edition.

Any questions or concerns about textbooks should be addressed to hitcim@sbcc.edu.