Course Login

Below you will find instructions on how to login to your online course. PLEASE NOTE that you may not have access to your online courses until the first day of the semester. Some faculty may not release their course(s) early for you to work in. If you don't see your course listed, do not panic. Your course may not appear until the first day of class.

Steps for Login

Below are quick steps for login. For more information see the Distance Education FAQ page.

Connect to the Internet and launch your browser. Go to the campus portal.

This will take you to the SBCC account login screen. Please bookmark the login page.

To get to your classes, click on the Canvas link at the top of the page. 

Click on your HIT/CIM classes and review the Syllabus and Course Calendar - these are very important documents!

 Begin to read and complete the specific class orientation instructions and activities.

PLEASE NOTE that you may not have access to your online courses until the first day of the semester.